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Splenic Macrophage Aggregates
in Silver Porgy From the
St. Lucie Estuary

Data page

Links to home page, deformities study, mac methods, utility of MMC as bioindicator.

Description of overall data first, below, relating to gender, site, size and condition index), followed by relationships between mac area and gender, length of fish, condition index, ranking scheme, MMC size distribution (graphs).


Case #
Gender Collection Site Weight (g) TL (mm) Mean # Mθ Mean # Mθ (per sq mm) Mθ Area/ 0.81 mm2 Mθ Area (mm2) % small % med % large Condition index
Spleen Ranks
APL11-10 Male 10 549 328 66.0 81.5 0.13681 0.16891 11.7 15.6 72.7 1.67 4.0
APL11-11 Male 10 168 216 13.3 16.5 0.04145 0.05117 26.9 32.2 40.8 0.78 2.5
APL11-12 Male 10 208 239 12.3 15.2 0.02192 0.02706 3.0 34.7 62.2 0.87 2.0
APL11-13 Female 10 233 247 9.3 11.5 0.01559 0.01924 7.0 17.4 75.6 0.94 1.5
APL11-14 Male 10 171 218 14.7 18.1 0.02071 0.02556 5.5 24.2 70.4 0.78 2.0
APL11-15 Male 10 169 223 24.7 30.5 0.04596 0.05674 10.8 26.8 62.3 0.76 3.0
APL11-17 Male 10 171 227 6.0 7.4 0.01842 0.02274 36.4 22.4 41.2 0.75 1.5
APL11-18 Female 10 234 245 22.3 27.6 0.04619 0.05703 17.1 20.7 62.2 0.96 3.0
APL11-19 Male 10 240 243 37.7 46.5 0.11008 0.13590 26.5 22.5 50.9 0.99 3.5
APL11-20 Female 10 314 270 33.0 40.7 0.06646 0.08205 15.1 25.9 59.0 1.16 3.0
APL11-21 Female 10 198 230 19.7 24.3 0.02787 0.03441 4.4 20.2 75.4 0.86 2.0
APL11-23 Female 30 322 278 33.7 41.6 0.10990 0.13568 29.2 20.6 50.2 1.16 3.5
APL11-25 Female 30 202 228 12.3 15.2 0.03167 0.03909 25.4 25.6 49.0 0.89 2.5
APL11-26 Male 30 231 242 13.0 16.0 0.01944 0.02400 8.0 22.1 69.9 0.95 2.0
APL11-27 Female 30 203 234 35.0 43.2 0.08755 0.10808 17.2 16.2 66.6 0.87 3.5
APL11-28 Male 30 188 226 21.3 26.3 0.06523 0.08053 26.7 23.1 50.2 0.83 3.0
APL11-29 Male 30 155 215 9.7 11.9 0.01682 0.02077 2.4 32.3 65.3 0.72 1.5
APL11-30 Female 30 277 252 10.0 12.3 0.02158 0.02664 13.4 36.6 50.0 1.10 2.0
APL11-31 Female 30 392 286 36.0 44.4 0.08403 0.10374 19.8 18.3 61.9 1.37 3.5
APL11-32 Male 30 200 234 28.7 35.4 0.05500 0.06790 14.0 27.6 58.4 0.85 3.0
APL11-33 Female 30 240 247 11.7 14.4 0.02287 0.02823 15.7 12.3 72.1 0.97 2.0
APL11-34 Female 30 351 274 35.0 43.2 0.07430 0.09173 17.3 17.3 65.3 1.28 3.0
APL11-35 Female 30 188 224 21.3 26.3 0.02939 0.03629 5.1 21.9 73.0 0.84 2.0
APL11-36 Male 30 283 262 27.3 33.7 0.06234 0.07697 18.7 21.9 59.4 1.08 3.0
MEAN 243.7 244.6 22.9 28.3 0.05084 0.06276 15.6 23.3 61.1 1.0 2.6
1 SD 91.4 27.0 13.86 17.1 0.03514 0.04338 9.4 6.3 10.6 0.23 0.7
MIN 155.0 215.0 6.0 7.4 0.01559 0.01924 2.4 12.3 40.8 0.7 1.5
MAX 549.0 328.0 66.0 81.5 0.13681 0.16891 36.4 36.6 75.6 1.7 4.0



Figure xxx. Changes in splenic macrophage aggregate area (MMA) with fish condition index. Blue diamonds represent males; pink circles represent females. The general trend shows that MAA increases with increasing condition index, regardless of gender. The light gray vertical line is placed at the median condition index, 0.92. Note that two-thirds (8/12) of the animals above the median condition index are females, while two-thirds (8/12) of the animals below the median condition index are males.







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