Multiple faculty and colleagues have authored or contributed to the publications or outreach links listed on this page. Publications from faculty and students of the Aquatic Pathobiology Laboratory are linked chronologically below as a courtesy from the author(s); for actual reprints, please contact the respective journal directly or obtain a copy from your library.
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a-ethinylestradiol alters reproductive behaviors, circulating hormones, and sexual morphology in male fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. In review.
- Garcia, R.J., Kane, A.S. , Petullo, D. and Reimschuessel, R. 2008. Localization of oxytetracyline in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Phycology. In press.
- Miller, R.A., Pelsor, F.R., Kane, A.S. , Petullo, D.M. and Reimschuessel, R. 2008. A Novel Population Pharmacokinetics Approach for Modeling Oxytetracycline after Multiple Doses in Rainbow Trout Using Microbiological and Liquid Chromatography Methods. Aquaculture. In press.
- Witte, C.L., Sredl, M,J., Kane, A.S., and Hungerford, L.L. 2008. Epidemiologic analysis of factors associated with local disappearances of native ranid frogs in Arizona. Conservation Biology 22(2): 375-383. [Link]
- Salierno, J.D., Gipson, G.T. and Kane, A.S. 2008. Quantitative movement analysis of social behavior in mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus . Journal of Ethology 26:35-42. [Link]
- Yonkos , L.T., Fisher, D.F., Kane, A.S. , McGee, B.L. and Van Veld, P.A. 2008. Poultry litter-induced endocrine disruption. Part 1: Fathead minnow, sheepshead minnow and mummichog laboratory exposures. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. In prep.
- Salierno, J.D. and Kane , A.S. 2008 . Alterations in schooling, shoaling, and startle response b ehaviors resulting from exposures to harmful algal bloom neurotoxins, brevetoxin and saxitoxin in mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. Comparative Behavior. In prep.
- Salierno, J.D. and Kane, A.S. 2008. Behavioral responses of individual and groups of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, exposed to a predation threat. Comparative Behavior. In prep.
- Popper, A.N., Halverson, M.B., Kane, A.S. , Miller, D.L., Smith, M.E., Song, J., Stein, P. and Wysocki, L.E. 2007. The effects of high-intensity, low-frequency active sonar on rainbow trout. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122(1):623-635. [Link]
- Salierno, J.D., Shields, J.D., Murphy, A.Z. and Kane, A.S. 2007. Altered c-Fos expression as a measure of neuronal stress in mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, exposed to Pfiesteria shumwayae and Chaetoceros concavicornis. Marine Biology 152:835-843. [Link]
- Kane , A.S., Stine, C.B., Hungerford, L., Matsche, M., Driscoll, C.P. and Baya, A.M. 2007. Mycobacteria as Environmental Portents in Chesapeake Bay Fishes. Emerging and Infectious Diseases. 13(2) February 2007. [Hardcopy Link - Online Link]
- Salierno, J.D., Snyder, N.S., Murphy, A.Z., Poli, M., Hall, S., Baden, D. and Kane, A.S. 2006. Harmful algal bloom toxins alter c-Fos protein expression in the brain of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Aquatic Toxicology 78:350-357. [Link]
- Lauer, L.E., McCarthy, M.M., Jong, J. and Kane, A.S. 2006. Sex differences in neuronal morphology in the killifish hypothalamus. Brain Research, 1070:145-149. [Link]
- Stine, C.B., Baya, A.M., Salierno, J.D., Kollner, M. and Kane, A.S. 2005. Mycobacterial infection in laboratory-maintained menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) . Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 17(4):380-385. [Link]
- Kane, A.S. 2005. Striped Bass Stock Health Assessment: Mycobacteriosis prevalence and distribution. Proceedings of the 2005 Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Research Symposium, pages 17-22. Published by NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office, Annapolis, MD.
- Salierno, J.D., Shields, J.D., Snyder, N.S., Murphy, A.Z. and Kane, A.S. 2004. Altered Fos expression as a biomarker of neuronal stress associated with harmful algal bloom exposure in mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus. Harmful Algae 3:245.
- Smith, M.E., Kane, A.S. and Popper, A.N. 2004. Noise-induced stress response and hearing loss in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Journal of Experimental Biology, 207:427-435. [Link]
- Kane, A.S ., Salierno, J.D., Gipson, G.T., Molteno and Hunter, C. 2004. Novel video-based movement analysis system to discern behavioral toxicology of fish. Water Research 38:3993-4001. [Link]
- Smith, M.E., Kane, A.S. and Popper, A.N. 2004. Acoustical stress and hearing sensitivity in fishes: Does the linear threshold shift hypothesis hold water? Journal of Experimental Biology, 207(20):3591-3602. [Link]
- Stine, C.B., Smith, D.L., Vogelbein, W.K., Harshbarger, J.C., Gudla, P.R., Lipsky, M.L., and Kane, A.S. 2004. Morphometry of hepatic neoplasms and altered foci in killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Toxicologic Pathology 32:4 375-383. [Link]
- Kane, A.S., Salierno, J.D. and Brewer, S.K. 2004. Fish models in behavioral toxicology: automated
techniques, updates and perspectives. In Ostrander, G.K.,
ed. Methods in Aquatic Toxicology, Volume 2. Lewis Publishers,
Boca Raton, FL. [Link]
- Choich, J., Salierno, JD., Silbergeld, E.K., and Kane, A.S. 2004. Altered brain activity in brevetoxin-exposed bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, visualized using in vivo 14C 2-deoxyglucose labeling. Environmental Research, 94:192-197. [Link]
- Brown, SB, Evans, R.E., Vandenbyllardt, L., Finnson, K.W., Palace,V.P., Kane, A.S. Yarechewski, A.Y. and Muir, D.C.G. 2003. Altered thyroid status in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) exposed to co-planar 3,3',4,4',5-pentachlorobiphenyl. Aquatic Toxicology 67:75-85. [Link]
- Reimschuessel R., C.M. Gieseker, C. Driscoll, A. Baya, A.S. Kane , V. S. Blazer, J.J. Evans, M. L. Kent, J.D.W. Moran, and S.L. Poynton. 2003. Myxosporean plasmodial infection, associated with ulcerative lesions in young-of-the-year Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe) (Clupeidae) in a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay, and possible links to Kudoa clupeidae . Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 53:143-166. [Link]
- Del Valle, P.L., Trifillis, A., Ruegg, C.E. and Kane, A.S. 2002. Characterization of glucose transport by cultured rabbit kidney proximal convoluted and proximal straight tubule cells. In Vitro: Cellular and Developmental Biology-Animal 38(4):218-227. [Link]
- van der Schalie, W.H., Shedd, T., Widder, M., Kane, A.S. , Silbergeld, E., Reimschuessel, R., Poli, M., Sarabun, C., Burkholder, J., Glasgow, H.. 2001. Real-time monitoring for toxicity caused by harmful algal blooms and other water quality perturbations. US Environmental Protection Agency EPA/600/R-01/103, November 2001. [Link-2.2MB]
- Thohan, S., Zurich, ML-C., Chung, H., Weiner, M., Kane, A.S. and Rosen, GM. 2001. Tissue Slices Revisited: Evaluation and Development of a Short-Term Incubation for Integrated Drug Metabolism. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 29:1337-1342. [Link]
- Salice C.J., Rokous J.S., Kane A.S. , Reimschuessel R. 2001. New nephron development in goldfish (Carassius auratus) kidneys following repeated gentamicin nephrotoxicosis. Comparative Medicine 52:56-59, 2001. [Link]
- Dykstra, M.J. and A.S. Kane . 2000. Pfiesteria piscicida and ulcerative mycosis of Atlantic menhaden; current status of understanding. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 12:18-25. [Link]
- Kane , A.S, M.J. Dykstra, E.J. Noga, R. Reimschuessel, A. Baya, C. Driscoll and H.W. Paerl and J. Landsberg. 2000. Etiologies, observations and reporting of estuarine finfish lesions. Marine Environmental Research 50:473-477. [Link]
- González, J., P.Del Valle, S. Thohan and A.S. Kane. 2000. Effects of waterborne nitrite on phase I-II biotransformation in channel catfish. Marine Environmental Research 50:29-32. [Link]
- Yonkos, L.T., D.J. Fisher, D.A. Wright and A.S. Kane. 2000. Pathology in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) exposed to chlorine dioxide and chlorite. Marine Environmental Research 50:267-271. [Link]
- Yonkos, L.T., Fisher, D.J., Reimschuessel, R., and Kane, A.S. 2000. Atlas of Fathead Minnow Normal Histology. An online publication of the University of Maryland Aquatic Pathobiology Center (http://aquaticpath.umd.edu/fhm).
- Kane, A.S., A. Baya, R. Reimschuessel, K.M. St. Pe, C.A. Poukish and C.P. Driscoll. 1999. Field sampling and necropsy examination of fish. Virginia Journal of Science 50(4):345-364. [Link]
- Yonkos, L.T. and A.S. Kane. 1999. Development of a digital atlas of fathead minnow histology. Lab Animal. 28(2):39-42.
- McDowell, A.G., A.S. Kane , and R. Reimschuessel. 1999. Chronic renal damage in largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, due to a monogenetic trematode infection. Pages 25-27 in 1999 Proceedings of the International Association of Aquatic Animal Medicine, Boston, MA.
- Talaat, A.M., Trucksis, M., A.S. Kane and R. Reimschuessel. 1999. Pathogenicity of Mycobacterium fortuitum and Mycobacterium smegmatis to Goldfish (Crassius auratus) model. Veterinary Microbiology 66:151-164. [Link]
- Jacobson, S.V., M. Trucksis, A.S. Kane and R. Reimschuessel. 1999. Superoxide production in Mycobacterium -stimulated goldfish (Crassius auratus) phagocytes following copper exposure. J. Vet. Res. 60(6): 669-675. [Link]
- Kane, A.S. , Thohan, S. and M. Weiner M. 1998. Tissue slice technology for assessing alterations in fish hepatic phase I and phase II XME activity. Marine Environmental Research 46(1-5):61-63. [Link]
- Jiang, Q., L. DeTolla, N. Van Roojien, I.S. Singh, B. Fitzgerald, M.M. Lipsky, A.S. Kane, A.S. Cross and J.D. Hasday. 1998. Febrile-range temperature modifies early systemic tumor necrosis factor alpha expression in mice challenged with bacterial endotoxin. Infection and Immunity. 67(4):1539-1546.
- Trifillis, A.L., Del Valle, M. Lipsky, X. Cui, C. Ruegg and A.S. Kane. 1998. Cultured rabbit renal proximal straight tubular cells are more susceptible to mercuric chloride than convoluted tubular cells. Renal Toxicology. 11(2):133-138.
- Marselas, G.A., M. K. Stoskopf, M. J. Brown, A. Kane and R. Reimschuessel. 1998. Abdominal ascites in electric eels (Electrophorus electricus) associated with hepatic hemochromatosis and elevated water pH. J. Zoo and Wildlife Medicine. 29(4):413-418.
- Kane, A.S. , D. Oldach and R. Reimschuessel. 1998. Fish Lesions in Chesapeake Bay: Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellates and other etiologies. Maryland Medical Journal, 47(3):106-112. [Link]
- DeTolla, L.J., S. Srinivas, B.R. Whitaker, C. Andrews, B. Hecker, A.S. Kane, and R. Reimschuessel, 1996. Guidelines for the Care and Use of Fish in Research. Inst. Laboratory Animal Resources. 37: 159-173.
- Kane, A.S., J.F. González and R. Reimschuessel. 1996. Fish and amphibian models used in toxicology. Lab Animal. 25(6):33-38.
- Kane, A.S. 1995. Multimedia update: Advances in computer-based applications relevant to fish and fish health. Annual Review of Fish Disease. 5:79-84. [Link]
- Kane, A.S. 1995. Multimedia as a training tool for fish anatomy and necropsy. Lab Animal. 47:48-50.
- Råbergh, C.M., A.S. Kane , R. Reimschuessel and M.M. Lipsky. 1995. Viability and induction of tyrosine aminotransferase in rainbow trout hepatocytes cultured on laminin and polylysine in a serum-free medium. Methods in Cell Science 17:207-215.
- Muhvich, A.G., R.T. Jones, A.S. Kane , R.S. Anderson and R. Reimschuessel. 1995. Effects of chronic copper exposure on macrophage chemiluminscent response and gill histology in goldfish (Carassius auratus L.). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 5:251-264. [Link]
- Kane, A.S. , M.W. Kahng, R. Reimschuessel and M.M. Lipsky. 1994. Comparative kinetics of TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol)-UDP-glucuronyltransferase in several species of fish. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 123:217-222. [Link]
- Reimschuessel, R., A.S. Kane , A.G. Muhvich and M.M. Lipsky. 1993. Recovery of histological lesions in the gills of brown bullheads exposed to copper. Marine Environmental Research. 35:198-199. [Link to abstract]
- Kane, A.S. , W.W. Day, R. Reimschuessel and M.M. Lipsky. 1993. TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) toxicity and hepatic microsomal UDP-glucuronyltransferase activity in adult and larval bullfrogs. Aquatic Toxicology. 27:51-60. [Link]
- Kane, A.S. , R. Reimschuessel and M.M. Lipsky. 1992. Effect of tadpoles on warmwater fish pond production. Fisheries. 17(2):36-39. [Link]
- Kane, A.S., R.O. Bennett and E.B. May. 1990. Effect of hardness and salinity on striped bass larval survival. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 10(1):67-71. [Link]
- Kane, A.S. and D.L. Johnson. 1989. Use of 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to selectively control frog larvae in fish production ponds. Progressive Fish-Culturist. 51:207-213. [Link]
- Kane, A.S., R.O. Bennett and E.B. May. 1988. Effect of changing pH and salinity on Chesapeake Bay striped bass larvae. In: Understanding the Estuary, Advances in Chesapeake Bay Research, Chesapeake Research Consortium, Baltimore, MD. March 29-31. CRC Publication No. 129. United States Environmental Protection Agency CBP/TRS 24/88.
- Kane, A.S., R.O. Bennett and E.B. May. 1988. A flow-through dosing system to expose small aquatic organisms to varying pH, salinity and temperature. Water Research. 22(10):1339-1344. [Link]
- Kane, A.S., T.M. Stockdale and D.L. Johnson. 1985. 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) control of tadpoles in culture facilities. Progressive Fish-Culturist. 47(4):231-237. [Link]
- Kane, A.S ., J.E. Whaley, J. Paul and R. Reimschuessel. 1977. Angler Outreach for Fish Pathology Studies at a U.S. Army Superfund Site. Proceedings of the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine 28:95-103.
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